A New Gift


There was he?
Don't know if
he'll become a child prodigy.
New arms to swing all around
with big eyes and a cute face
his presence only profound.

He takes his thumb
all in his mouth;
his groans and laugh
are also in the list,
which makes his mother
feel so proud. J
He looked at me often,
I think was trying to converse
thumped his fist
and bent his leg
but I didn't give his attention
any shed.

And then he
took his most expensive weapon
with which he
roams around all over
like holding the Olympic beacon.
It was his laugh
a very sweet,
but a shrieking one though
although there were no teethes
but it was all enough
to attract any mob.

Finally, I had to give up
for the innocence
he posed in his profile
so took my arm close to his
to perform a shake hand.
I chuckled then
not like him, obviously,
but poked his fluffy cheeks
very nicely.

All above is only the gist
& it will take lot more pages
to write about him, who is for the world
‘A New Gift’.

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