(Flashback) Drowned in a trance I can feel the bliss around me. Room’s fan not working in the scorching heat and yet my testy profile is calm. Eyes are closed but the darkness is eloquent to delineate my need. Fingers tapping as fast as they can and eyes frozen in amazement for the picture in front; or my ears diluted with the jazz, rock, pop and other music flavours- it’s all part of the dream I used to see then and there.
Well the trance was located on a wooden chair, to be precise, inside my mind. And although the sun-torture period had passed, the sweat capable heat was still reluctant to leave Allahabad. I can remember those moments in which I left myself for my assortment of dreams inside the hostel room. Jealous enough of all those around me but still with a controlled temperament, I never uttered about it to them. My friends had brought a teenager’s most awaited gadget of life- their new laptops, all equipped with stylish colours and boasting specs. The rounds that I used to take in the corridors were skilled enough to poke me hard in my stomach as I used to watch them busy with their cool gadgets. “Sigh!” was all that I puked in those days. But the desire, the dream was still alive and all dancing in front of me every second. (Flashback)
The nostalgia is still so fresh that I had to mention about it before proceeding into the realms of the underlined topic. I never had a gadget since my childhood days of my own. The first one that came to our home was a mobile phone- Nokia 2600. It was a lot cool for me to play with but not cool enough to have my attention for long. Finally when I stepped in the college I was able to emerge from the disciplined confines of a school and it was then I was the owner of my first gadget- Nokia 3110c (...still in love with me). But the changes tuning my lifestyle were bold enough to make me yearn for my next one- a laptop. Needs??? Yes, there were numerous for going to the next one- starting with studies on the horizon and 3D games in the sky the list is still being fed in the present. My father was appeasing enough to fulfil my longings but I wanted to make this one special. He offered me to buy one during the 1st year but everything you get just for granted doesn’t fulfil your lust, isn’t it? I picked the ‘road less travelled’ method and decided to study hard enough to procure the merit scholarship to buy one myself. The farrago of thoughts were deep enough to shatter my faith in the course of preparation but still I kept working on the posts and the pillars of my dream.

The results were out and my hard work paid off for me. Frayed enough by the time of preparation my mind was now ready to live in leisure. “Yes I am gonna be an owner of my first lappi J”- smile were all the way on my face then. The number of competitors had grown considerably and as a result there stood a pronounced gap between performance and style. With branded names laid huge price tags rendering only doubts and little sorrow for picking the right choice. Simplicity at its best and descriptive tersely-“Beautifully Intelligent” was sure enough my taste during the tech search although to find one falling in the row was tough. You can’t just pick any rank in the chosen price line; you’ll surely seek all the gaps to look for the one that makes you say “awesomeness redefinedJ”.
I won’t blurt but my enigma did receive shock when I heard about the new ranges of Dell Inspiron Laptops. They had updated the looks a little earlier by that time but the new update luckily came quite fast and worthy enough to develop love for. It was like a resonating image of mine whispering in my ears “Improve yourself in every way you can, never imagining that their lives a hindrance” and its reflection I found in the new Dell Ispiron series. So it blocked my search and got me released from the tiring doubts. Finally a call was made and in a week I saw myself as a proud owner of Dell Inspiron N4010. It’s not at all boastful but yet rendering all and everything I want. Be it writing my E-diary entries or testing new linux distros; from acting as a US soldier in COD- Black Ops to chatting for numerous hours on online social network- the gadget is now a part of my life. The thoughts that lure my imagination now can be tested with it, the art that fanaticises my rough paper now find enough room to rest peacefully with Photoshop. Now I have my lappi and it lives with my traits. Going for the black colour is questionable but being simple is lot more inspiring, isn’t it? And that suffices enough my choice J

Baahhh L but the new upgrade that has been done in the looks is lot more erratic to drool on. It will surely coerce one’s sanity if he/she thinks of another brand in the same range. Yes I do envy anyone holding it, for now the simplicity of black colour has been superseded with hope to progress forward. And change is always better to go for, as they say Experience Change; after all to live happily with your own gadget is an unguarded moment to be in. In life their lies scales of interests one wanna pursue and it’s a gadget, most of the time, of them that helps to embrace the same. Everyone sees a big picture and wants to make it even bigger and I am not devoid of the same. ‘My Lappi’ makes me belief that the big-change is easy to go for, that I will be the movement one day and not a mere moving person.
I wrote in such a long length for this is how I remember my lappi when I am away from it. Go on and look deep for your love in your gadget. The above blogpost is to decribe Change IS Easy, a contest by IndiBlogger. Here’s the link if you think we share the same logo on our laptops:
This entry was posted on Saturday, June 25, 2011
and is filed under Contest,Dream,masti. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response.
Now Thats a cool post and a cool blog...And heyy that was great!! You worked hard to earn the scholarship to get your gadget!! thats great spirit!!!
Hey thanks for ur worthy complement Cindrella. :-)
Dude u rock man!! Congrats on a lappi well deserved :)
Wish I had half the drive u do :)
:D thnx R-A-J. Now my blog getting little weight with visitors like you :)
But ruminate well on your wish cuz it was lot panting in the middle of the drive.