(I puked all of this as soon as I got to know that my end semester result is waiting to ruin the ‘Happy Ending’ of my summer vacation. This word is so brutal that it even shatters your dreams into pieces during your sleep. I had to write all about it to relax myself. Is giving an exam not more than enough to test one’s altruistic features? I have to shatter every enjoyment that I can have before exam starts and now this result thing will tell the world how good I am. Why don’t they just promote everyone to the next stage of the game? I dream of curses and only curses for whosoever claimed this examination system in our studies. L )

It is always like an anvil dropped on your head, no mercy done in the punishment, you have to pay for whatever you have done so far. The only thing you are left with is PANIC, the never ending ‘agent of chaos’ that sucks away every space that the forthcoming heart beat was supposed to have L. Within a second the future is right in front of you- making your mind foresee every disaster that may happen in the unknowing happenings. A mere mention of this word drops you on the edge of the journey of your life standing where you try to measure the depth of the fall that might stand as an option in the near future. Optimism loses its strength to retain the calmness within your heart and all you are left with is pessimistic blood which you pump in your veins.
The period starts since the childhood days when you are first told about it this word in a middle-school class. You may not give it even a penny-like thought then-and-there but deep inside your mind it starts to reshape with concrete roots. The hands of the clock ticks away and you enter in the reality-market where every shop demands for only one valuable thing of yours- 'RESULTS' before you are gifted with any sweets to relish. And then you are first acquainted with the word- PANIC. Even though your hands reunite now & then before your favorite God, that word would continue to consume yours left-over happy emotions. Sitting in a corner you'll count your mistakes:
How many hours did I spend in watching T.V???
How many times did I organise a bunk???
How many hours did I on games???
the length of the list doesn’t matter for you then and every breath is spend to demand for some praiseworthy after effects from God.
In India the first educational twist occurs during one's tenth board exams. You will almost plunge on hearing that result is about to be unveiled. For you it will be like the opening of your secret trunk bringing in picture the hidden realities of yours' in front of the so called competitive world. Your gully centuries will be questioned, which once made you proud as a cricketer. "Phewww" is the word that will surely be uttered when you enter successfully in the senior secondary hall (ready to face 11th and 12th class).

PCM and commerce are the traits to wear on thereafter, and no casuals :( would be left to continue with. You will be forced to swallow the truth that they are now past. Heavy chains of hours of studies will be part of your daily life to carry with. You don't want to hold any contentions with your loved ones and so would continue to be a supporter of the followed social custom. Gleaming eyes within the house will grease your hard work for long time. In the end of this phase you'll meet the directors of your 'Life Movie'- The most renowned ones better known as COMPETITIVE EXAMS. But before you are signed for a good movie it's the Senior Secondary Hall where you have to stand as a protagonist amongst other actors. Hooting will be a part of the play; your loved ones will shout "Bravo! Bravo!" and you'll anyhow hold your feet firmly to the ground. It'll be the peak time where the word RESULT would even decide whether you will continue to breathe or not. Unfortunately as the play ends, some drops of bloods do fall on the stage (the suicides that several low lives commit after the announcement). Audience would be astonished to see that and the directors too but in the end "IT HAPPENS" is what they'll say.

The stars have been chosen and their names have been filed in the star cast list of some great movies like IIT, AIEEE, PMT, DU etc. etc. But still the devil word RESULT, as for me, remains attached with them. The spectators want a great show from all of them and it is this word RESULT that tells about their performance. Some actors enjoy the course and some continue to suffer. The only dream the latter group has- "My day will come....my day will come...."
So do drop in some comments about how you feel when you come to know that your RESULTS are gonna be declared??? I hope you don’t flinch as I do J