"Oh bhai! jara side hona...", he said taking the bald part of his head out of the car window. It was a black honda city I guess which rested somehow beneath his clumsy fat belly. I was near the Subhash Chauraha waiting for the college bus to get back to my hostel room. But going to civil lines always features some incident like the one above pouring more strength to the animosity in my mind. His request may be simple but was filled with lot of arrogance. He went off speeding amidst the traffic at the chauraha while I still stood with burning eyes there.

Hmmm...so I was there still waiting for my bus. 20mins still left making room for a little roam around beside the city busiest roads. The 'animosity'- what is it all about? Well it is about the pain that drops on my head like a big anvil every time when I find myself to be small. You see it is since I recognised that I belong to a middle class family. Now do not misinterpret it as if I am cursing my family background (be with your common sense)! But, I curse every bigwig who poses him\herself to be a bigwig. I know the truth and the world around them know it too, that they are breathing in a high class environment with a car, with a bungalow and with etc. etc. but what to boast about? Don't they have brains to notice we all have the same 27% oxygen (don't go on figures) to live in? They do, but still they find it sensible, I don't know from which part, to behave like a moron in front of the society. Even you may feel like bribing them, for making them to speak to you most of the times, like their self speaks only to the high class. And whom do you consider the real butchers of our nation's language? Yes they top the list. Don't deny, you have the examples, don't you? "Oh shit! Honey it's so disgusting over here"- bloody morons. Walking on the road and taking the keen observant out of you will surely add some more examples for your diary. I have many of them; the space over here is not enough.
Honk honk! And here comes the bus to end this ruminating city road walk of mine. I can swallow that uncle but being modest I swallowed my anger. I wanna work hard in my studies (to be in my car one day) not to be one amongst them but definitely to set an example for those who lose their original self and roam around wearing the attitude, for those who roam around with Hindi language suffocating in their heavy pockets, for those who easily forget that they are still a human being.