You sit and study during exams- you are gonna get loads of thoughts to write on but when your exams get over they run far away leaving no traces that could be used to find them. L but while playing a game I got a call from my sis and so one of the thought came. Go on take a taste of it!
Sis: “ Slow down the volume of T.V please!”
Me: ”Why? I won’t, its my favourite cartoon, hunh :@”
Sis: “Hey don’t read loudly, you can study that even in your mind”
Me: “Maybe, but i can’t concentrate fully on the matter while doing that :>”
Me: “Di, make something delicious naa...”
Sis: (maa not at home) “Eat whatever I make, I have to study also.”
Do you like to share something with your sis??? Truly speaking I don’t. What? Don’t frown at me, why should I share my cookie with her when maa made for both of us (although she gave the bigger one to me), why should I hand over the remote whenever she demands (can’t she watch cartoons- they are so coooooooool) and why should I be the one to hear scolding from father although she pulled my legs in first place?
The sole answer- She is my elder Sister. Three years age difference costs so much was something I always mull over. My sister’s name is Akanksha and it does suits her because she has loads of them. I see her face like an onion in an upright orientation; God knows how come my relatives associate the adjective ‘pretty’ with her. Long hairs, height shorter than me :D and an attitude like a princess are the words that I would couple her with. As far as I remember we fought since I started thinking about my rights at home. When you are the smaller one you have to keep a close eye on your assets because the bigger ones, around you, don’t preach humanity. Be it a new pencil box, a new pen or a bag of sweets; you have to be ready to look more innocent and lively to increase your luxury. And that used to be my master plan:> ALWAYS.
The clock continued its journey as we grew up and we were seeking to become friends. Sis used to tech me maths and English- a push to my playing time space as homework was done ahead with her help. Thereafter I felt that she is not so bad, I mean she is the one with whom I can play cricket while being at home (ya we used to do that) or whom I can ask for help when maa was ready to shout at me for my mistakes. When you are a child you are the biggest risk taker; no worries of being caught in the court of parents while committing a perjury- for me sis stands as my advocate J
We used to study in same school- Nirmala Convent High School, Renukoot and she 3 classes ahead of me as usual. Sad part of my life; as I had to be limited with the old books left over by her. “Take a rubber and erase the write ups, no need of new books”- the same speech by father when results were out after every exam. But one thing I am proud of :D is sis was always asked to take a leaf out of my book as I scored higher than her.
Hmmm...don’t know why but...I used to feel sad for her sometimes. I started growing up, as I noticed and sympathy started to find room in my mind. You have to pay back to the advocate but in our case I was too selfish. I realised- getting food in absence of maa is more than enough instead of crying for delicious treats. And how I turned into a loner when she went to college- a pathetic side of this story. Times when you have to manage all your studies on your own, when no one stops you from reading loudly, when no one is their to snatch sweets from, when no one is their to play pranks does transforms you into a loner and asks you to prepare yourself for the future. A future where the world shouts “Be Independent” all the time and where the emotions start losing their sweet rhymes.
Now I am in a college and sis is also studying in one, we both away from home. Now we focus more on our carrier than on our fights but I want all of these to be mere myths. Being a child is always enjoyable than being a stupid (everyone is) grown up. I won’t say this ever to her ”My sis is the best one” (cos she will definitely hug me then) but I would definitely break the silence by shouting “Hey didi” whenever I earn a glance of her.
Oh yes! please take your frown back because now I define the word share by giving her one complete cookie of mine (although she doesn’t takes it
J )